Nilai University in Malaysia has chosen three Capstone Projects from BIT students from Padmashree College for the symposium.

The Padmashree College Capstone Project is the crowning achievement of the BIT programme. It is a research-based project. As part of their Capstone-Final year Project I, students are required to write a research proposal for their capstone project. The same project's final draft must be completed for Capstone-Final Year Project II.

Three of these projects from Padmashree's BIT students have been chosen for the symposium hosted by Nilai University. The projects will be presented at the symposium and, if accepted, published in the international journal.

The three shortlisted projects are:


Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection using YOLOv4 Algorithm - Karishma Tamang

Bus Location Tracking and Fare generator using Map-matching Algorithm - Biplav Sainju

Secure File Storage System on Cloud using Hybrid Cryptography (AES, RSA and Blowfish Algorithm) - Ang Dawa Sherpa