Festive Mood at Padmashree College, Dashain Celebration 2079

Festivals are the ideal setting for connecting with dear ones and deeply ingrained cultures. Dashain is a festival that commemorates the triumph of good over evil and brings nearest and dearest together to enjoy days of happiness, goodness, and delicious food.
Padmashree College has consistently fostered a sense of belonging and family among its members. Padmashree College is getting ready to celebrate the upcoming Dashain festival, marking the arrival of the biggest of Hindu festivals. A fun event mixing a variety of enjoyable games and competitions is being organized by the Ace Group from BIT Sixth Semester. The event, called "Festive Mood," will feature a talent show. The traditional dances and music of Nepal will be featured in the talent show.
Bringing the entire Padmashree family together to celebrate this celebration in concord and affluence is the event's principal goal. Along with the talent show, the occasion features enjoyable contests and games like:
The event is sponsored by Global IME Bank, Sundhara. The organizer team ‘The Ace’ includes our BIT sixth semester students; Sareeta Banjara, Pooja Sharma, Pritee Shah, Asmita GC, Sajana Gurung.
As a carefree and joyful mood envelops us, we realize that Dashain has indeed arrived and this event will truly establish the arrival of Dashain.