Padmashree College Graduation Ceremony 2022

Graduation is a special occasion because each student's past is unique. It's a symbol for how things are changing and how your life is about to change. Savor this moment to celebrate what you have achieved thus far, as you will be in different settings with different people from tomorrow.
On December 23, 2022, Padmashree College will host the Graduation Ceremony for its Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) and Bachelor of Hospitality Management (BHM) grads. The event is being held at the Hotel Himalaya in Pulchowk, Lalitpur. The graduates of Padmashree College's BIT and BHM programs, which are accredited with Nilai University in Malaysia, will be convened at the ceremony and awarded with certificates and medals. Mr. Arna Raj Silwal, the chairman of Padmashree College, will chair the ceremony.
Padmashree College extends an invitation to its recent graduates to join the ceremony and add to the celebrations. All BIT and BHM graduates are kindly asked to complete the accompanying form, which will also be mailed to your respective email addresses, in order to attend the convocation ceremony. You can speak with your specific coordinators about the event as well. We hope that every student will be there for this deserving occasion and march proudly to get their degrees.
Register here: Graduation Ceremony 2022
This is a day for your friends and family to be happy for you as well; it's not just a day for you to feel good about yourself. They are aware of the effort you put out to achieve this success because they have followed you on your journey to and through university.
Don't skip your graduation; it's a day you'll never forget.
Register here: Graduation Ceremony 2022
A group of eminent educators with similar ideologies founded Padmashree College, which now serves as a center of excellence in education. Padmashree seeks to provide students in Nepal with a world-class education and has achieved significant progress toward that objective in collaboration with Nilai University in Malaysia. Students interested in extremely contemporary fields like hotel management and information technology increasingly prefer the college as one of the most reputable and favored options.