Attention students of Padmashree College enrolled in Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) BIT and BA (Hons) in Business and Hospitality Management BABHM franchised with Nilai University Malaysia. Timely submission of subject registration form is mandatory for academic eligibility. Deadline for submission is 17th February 2023. Failure to comply may result in ineligibility for academic activities.

View the official notice below.

Recent Events

Food Safety and Food Labelling Program

B. Tech food students of Padmashree College conduc ...


F1Soft International Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration wi ...

Women's Empowerment

In a heartwarming initiative, Padmashree College s ...

Mental Health Workshop

On July 28, 2023,the Resilience Tribe group of BIT ...

Handover Program of PC-HCOSA

The PC-HCOSA (Padmashree College Hospitality Clube ...

World Youth Engagement and Cultural Exchange

The Association of Youth Nepal celebrated World Yo ...